Personal Care
9 Simple ways to relieve acidity
By - 28 February 2023
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Are you one of the post-lunch burper? Or always concerned about, will this food make me acidic? Then this blog is the right stop for you. Acidic reflux or heartburn occurs when the stomach acid flows back into the esophagus (food pipe) and creates a burning sensation in your chest. Now you might be wondering, what exactly causes acid reflux?
Here are the possible causes or triggers of acidity.
- Overeating or eating too rapidly
- Sleeping immediately after eating.
- Consuming certain foods, including caffeine, carbonated beverages, alcohol, peppermint, citrus, tomato-based products, chocolate, and fatty or spicy foods
- Being overweight
- Smoking
- Stress and anxiety
You're likely well aware that medications can help relieve heartburn, but natural heartburn remedies and lifestyle modifications may also be effective.
Now let's check 9 remedies for controlling this unpleasant problem.
- Sleep Right
As you sleep, elevate your head and chest higher than your feet. This may be accomplished by placing a foam wedge under the mattress or elevating bedposts with wood blocks. Sleeping on your left side is considered to promote digestion and may help to prevent stomach acid reflux.
- Watch When You Eat, Say No to Late Night Meals
Laying down with a stomach full of food can trigger acid reflux. Avoid eating within 3 hours of your bedtime, this will allow your body more time to digest the meal before you go to bed.
- Maintain A Healthy Weight
Being overweight can put extra strain on the stomach and increase the likelihood of acid reflux. Consuming a well-balanced diet containing plenty of vegetables with low carbohydrate content and regular exercise are the first two steps to maintaining a healthy weight and losing excess weight.
- Watch How You Eat, Eating Slowly and More Frequent Meals
When it comes to preventing heartburn, being mindful of your mealtime portion sizes can go a long way. Having a large amount of food may cause bloating thus, instead of having three big meals once a day, consider eating smaller, more frequent meals. This will help to keep the stomach from becoming too full. Eating rapidly can also be a trigger of heartburn so be sure to slow down and take time to chew food and drink beverages.
- Cut Down the Cigarettes
Smoking reduces the amount of saliva produced and the efficacy of the muscle that maintains acids in the stomach. These factors contribute to acid reflux being more regular and severe. As a result, quitting smoking will improve your general health as well as aid with acid reflux.
- Watch Your Stress
Chronic stress wears down your body physically, including delaying digestion and making you more susceptible to pain, among other effects. The longer food sits in your stomach, the more likely acid reflux. As a result, stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, exercise, and adequate sleep may help avoid or ease the effects of acid reflux and heartburn.
Make sure after consuming a large amount of food, take a leisure walk as it aids digestion.
- Avoid trigger food and beverages
Make a note and avoid specific foods that trigger your heartburn and also avoid coffee, onion, chocolate, citrus fruits, and juices.
- Foods To Make Acid Reflux Disappear
Foods such as papaya, ripe banana melons, cauliflower, fennel, and nuts are believed to help balance stomach acid and minimize the intensity and frequency of acid reflux.
Chewing a sugar-gum can also help in increasing salivary content and thereby help with acid reflux.
Consuming fibrous food can help to keep your digestive tract moving.
- Ditch the tight belts and wear loose-fitted clothing
Tight clothing puts extra pressure by squeezing your belly and this may abbreviate the effect of acid reflux. Thus, wearing loose-fitted clothes and skipping skin-tight jeans may help.
Make sure to follow these tips to combat acidity and these remedies might come in handy and help you escape or avoid the embarrassment associated with acidity. So, say goodbye to the discomfort and pain associated with acidity and start feeling better today! If you are facing these problems of acid reflux and heartburn frequently then consult your doctor.
- How to prevent acid reflux, available at
- 10 home remedies for gas bloating, available at
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