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How to Stay Safe Amid the Pandemic: Tips for Staying Healthy and Avoiding Infection

By - 07 March 2022, Updated on -18 October 2022

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The coronavirus pandemic has been making headlines all over the world for over 2 years now. With this highly contagious virus causing a lot of concern for people all over the globe, it can be difficult to know what to do in order to stay safe and avoid infection. There are now seven different strains of the coronavirus, including the original SARS-CoV. The most recent variant, Omicron, is highly transmissible even though it is said to be less severe in terms of illness.  

As vaccines are now being administered quicker than ever before, coupled with the fact that many people are taking booster shots, we have a better fighting chance against the virus. However, that does not mean we can become complacent. We have to make sure we follow ways of reducing our chances of exposure and infection. In this blog post, we will provide you with some tips on how to stay healthy and avoid getting sick. 

One of the best ways to protect yourself from the virus is to stay healthy and strong, and keep your immunity levels high. The word immunity refers to the body’s natural ability to protect itself from infection and disease. It’s important to take care of yourself so that your immunity levels are good and your body can defend itself from viruses and bacteria. If you don’t have a strong immune system, you will be more susceptible to any disease or infection. This makes it all the more important for people who are sick, especially those with weak immune systems due to certain medical conditions, to avoid coming into contact with other people who may be infected with the coronavirus. To keep your immune system functioning at its best, make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly. 

In addition, it is crucial that people do not touch their nose or mouth because these are two common ways that viruses can enter your body and infect you. If someone has been sneezing or coughing near you recently, make sure they cover their mouth before doing anything else like talking to other people. If you have been near someone who might be sick, do not touch your face before washing your hands.  

Another important precaution to take during the pandemic is to wash your hands regularly. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare recommends washing your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. Be sure to also cleanse your hands regularly with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.  

The N95 Mask is an essential tool in helping prevent the spread of COVID. The mask blocks 95% of all respiratory particles, making it an effective way to protect yourself from the virus. It is important to make sure that your mask fits snugly against your face so that no air can escape. If you do not have an N95 mask available then make sure you wear 2 masks as the additional layers will create a stronger barrier between you and the virus.  

If you are feeling ill, it is important to stay home, rest, and seek medical attention. You should also avoid contact with other people as much as possible. If you need to go out, make sure you wear a mask and practice good hygiene habits such as sanitising your hands.  

In addition, it is advised to avoid contact with people who are sick. Social distancing is a term used to describe the practice of separating oneself from other people in order to avoid infection. The coronavirus pandemic has caused a lot of concern for people all over the world, and social distancing is one way of helping to prevent the spread of the virus. There are many ways to socially distance yourself from others; stay home as much as possible, avoid large gatherings and crowds, and keep at least a 2 metre gap between yourself and other people. If you find yourself in a crowded area, avoid touching your face as much as possible as the virus can enter your body through your nose, mouth, or eyes.  

These are just a few tips on how to stay safe during the pandemic. For more information, please consult your local health authority or visit the Apollo Health Library website -https://healthlibrary.askapollo.com/ . Stay safe and don’t forget to wash your hands!  

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