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Dos And Don'ts Of The Summer Season

By - 10 April 2023

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Summer has finally arrived, with the scorching sun's rays warming our bodies and the environment. The nights are the shortest at this time of year, and the days are warm, hot, and incredibly long. A trip to a cold, hill station isn't the only way to beat the summer heat; keep reading to learn about more effective ways to combat this hot season.

Risks in the summer season

Summer illnesses are characterized by symptoms such as nausea/vomiting, headaches, exhaustion, and delirium. Infections are more common in the summer among the elderly, children, and pregnant women. The following are some of the most common illnesses seen during the summer:

  • Dehydration: Prolonged sun exposure can cause dehydration. We lose a lot of water and salt through sweat without even realizing it, and these losses must be compensated for if the body is to function normally. This raises the risk of a variety of diseases.
  • Heat problems: Heat problems manifest themselves in several stages, including heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Heat stroke is a significant factor, with significant symptoms including dry skin, dry mouth, mental confusion, headache, shallow breathing, loss of consciousness, disruption in blood supply to the brain, and extreme weakness.
  • Sunburn occurs when the body is exposed to the sun's harmful rays, resulting in itchy, painful skin rashes, exhaustion, and dizziness.
  • Other illnesses: Measles, mumps, chickenpox, diarrhea, urinary tract infections, food poisoning, and chickenpox are among the other illnesses.

Let's look at the dos and don'ts for dealing with the humid and hot weather while staying healthy in the summer.

Tips for carefree summer

  • Let's drink some water and stay hydrated.
    Drinking water is the best way to stay hydrated in the summer. This summer, drink more beverages to stay cool and healthy. Explore a wide range of Apollo Pharmacy’s hydration and energy products.
  • Drinks that are good for you
  • Not only does vegetable juice relieve headaches, but it also improves skin and memory.
  • The combination of milk and nuts promotes restful sleep.
  • After coming in from the heat of the day, coconut water and watermelon juice can help you cool down.
  • Lime water mixed with honey or sugar, salt, and cumin powder (to taste) will replenish the body's salts lost through sweating.
  • Consumption of liquid diet
    Increase your intake of liquid foods such as buttermilk, lassi, shakes, and smoothies to stay hydrated.
  • Consume fresh fruit and vegetables.
    Watermelons, muskmelon, lemons, mangoes, cucumber, oranges, pineapple, and grapes contain a lot of water and should be consumed.
  • What should I wear?
    Dress in long sleeves and light-colored, thin cotton clothing to keep your body cool.
  • Don't forget to bring your sunscreen.
    Apply sunscreen whenever you leave the house. All exposed skin should be protected with sunscreen. Proper skin care procedures must be followed to avoid bothersome rashes, sunburns, a stubborn tan, and acne. You can get sunscreen from Apollo Pharmacy.
  • Stay inside!
    Spend as much time as possible indoors during the summer, or plan outings near a lake, garden, forest, or public places with air conditioning.
  • Bathe twice daily
    A relaxing bath before bedtime can help remove the dirt, grime, and sweat that your body has accumulated throughout the day.
  • Use an umbrella, hat, or fabric to keep your head covered.


Things to avoid in summer

  1. Alcohol, tea, coffee, and soft drinks, which contain a lot of sugar and act as diuretics, cause a decrease in bodily fluids.
  2. Wear clothes that are too heavy, too tight, or too dark. Avoid synthetic fabrics because they may cause you to sweat more, irritate your skin, and potentially cause infections.
  3. A diet high in spicy foods or dishes containing clove, cardamom, or other hot spices can impair the body's ability to cool down.
  4. Almonds, cashews, walnuts, and raisins, which cause the body to heat up, should be consumed in moderation during the summer.
  5. Avoid cooking during peak hours of the day, such as between 12 and 30 p.m., or keep the doors and windows open at all times when cooking to ensure efficient air circulation and to avoid a hot environment.
  6. Protein is difficult to digest and causes heat and dehydration, so eating high-protein foods should be limited.
  7. Avoid eating stale or fried foods.
  8. As much as possible, limit vigorous exercise and other activities.
  9. Avoid going during the busiest times of the day.

With the arrival of summer comes the need to drink plenty of water throughout the day. It is critical to make an effort to stay cool in hot environments, as well as to protect our health. Excessive heat makes us feel dry and dizzy, so it is critical to drink water, drink beverages, and eat snacks to stay hydrated. Follow this advice to have the best and healthiest summer ever.


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